How to find your life's work

Arguably, the best thing Steve Jobs ever said:

“The only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.”

The problem? Most of us don’t know where to look...

Here are the best questions I’ve found on figuring out your life’s work:

• Any serious inquiry into what you should do must start with the question: “who should I become?”

• Where do you feel great resistance or fear? The more resistance you feel towards a path, the more certain you can be that there's a big dream there and that you've gotta do it. Energy doesn't lie. (@SPressfield)

• If I could make a significant difference in one person's life through my work, who would that be and why? (@sarablakely)

• What couldn’t you get paid $1B to stop doing? (@FoundersPodcast)

• What makes you mad in society and how can you create a solution to that? (Whitney Wolfe)

• What am I still envious of? As you get closer to doing the work you’re called to, you get less envious of people doing other things (implicitly, this question shows us what we truly value in our subconscious) (@jeremygiffon)

• Fast forward 60 years. If you were just about to die and an angel gave you the opportunity to go back in time to this very moment, how would you view life in a different way?

• What’s the weirdest thing you spend a lot of time on? Or, what’s a passion you’d be embarrassed to admit publicly? (@patrick_oshag)

• What hidden ugly back end actually looks exciting to me? What front end is so good that I’m willing to pay the ugly hidden back end price? (@george__mack)

• What am I excessively curious about — curious to a degree that would bore most other people? (@paulg)

• If I'd already made a change to something else, would I want to revert to what I have now?

• If I were going to take a break from "serious" work to work on something just because it would be really interesting, what would I do?

• What would I want to do, have, and be if I had $10 million in the bank? and What’s my real target monthly income (TMI)? (@tferriss)

• If I was a character in a movie, what would I be responding to the question: “Why don’t they just do that already!?” (@joerogan)

• Pick a direction and ask: is this closer or further? Think about getting warm/getting hot, rather than, “this is it.” (@AlexHormozi)

• What are the greatest ways to make the world greater for my existence? (Godfrey Hardy)

• What can you next do that, if successful, will make the rest of your career look like a footnote? (@sama)

• What would make you deeply happy and satisfied? (Julie Gurner)

• What would I write in my obituary and how can I live up to that? (Warren Buffett)

• If a magical genie came out of a bottle and granted you a wish—for your life or career—and you knew with 100% certainty that wish would come true, what would you wish for (@GrahamCWeaver)

The best reads/watches I've found on this topic:

Paul Graham, How to do great work:

Godfrey Hardy, A mathematicians apology:

Richard Hamming, You and Your Research:…

Bill Gurley, Runnin' Down a Dream:…

Julie Gurner, How to choose the right path: